
What's going on in Room 125?

Some Mid Week Updates

on February 24, 2016


As a reminder, I will be out tomorrow and Friday at the PEAK Conference for Inclusive Education. We will have the same sub as last week (Ms. O’Brien), so hopefully that will help things go more smoothly. Please prepare your kiddos for this change.

Keep spreading the word about Touch the World! Share the link to this site (https://whatsuproom125.wordpress.com/touch-the-world/) and/or to buy tickets/make donations (https://edisonpt.ejoinme.org/TouchTheWorld). We have food lined up, volunteers, and new this year…Recess Buddies are going to help MC the event! It seems like there will be a good amount of Edison support, so let’s make sure our class will be there too! Please let me know your plans for this night and how I can support you!

Finally, we are in need of 1 inch binders. The home-school communication binders sure get a lot of love and this year are needing frequent replacement. We have exhausted our school’s supply and it would be great to have some more on hand. Binders should have pockets in them so we can send in papers. If you have some hand-me-downs or are looking to donate to our room, please send our way:)

Have a wonderful end to the week! And long weekend (no school for students Monday).

-Ms Wales


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