
What's going on in Room 125?

Weekly Update: 2-27-14

This quick update is less about technical things, and more about this beautiful growth that I have been so aware of lately. Today it is just so powerful that I have to share:

The relationships between students in this class are really coming to life! 

I have noticed the past few weeks how aware and interested everybody seems of each other. In this classroom, so much is teacher facilitated and so much is going on and most students need support with building relationships….so it’s not unexpected when and if students do not interact often.

But this seems to be changing! I’ve heard unprompted compliments to others (e.g. “I like your shirt”), sometimes with unprompted responses. I’ve seen arms around each other in a “buddy” way. Students have been helping other students by reminding them of what to do, often in a nice tone of voice. Even just seeing some students observe others shows their awareness!

And then today something awesome happened that I just have to share. During K/1 teambuilding we were playing Mr. Fox. Every student had a role. Those that talk were saying the words of the game (so many times unprompted!). All were laughing with each other totally appropriately. One student purposefully pointed to his number in response to the call of the others. They were taking turns and passing the number pages we use in the game to each other. The were running from and trying to tag each other. Though there were two of us adults supporting the game, we were prompting far less than usual. It was just beautiful to see everyone engaged with each other at their level, and to watch the appropriate laughter and running. 

I know these words may not paint what a great picture we experienced, but I wanted to try because it was so fun and inspiring.

Every student in this class has made such growth in their interactions with each other and other students in this school. I’m just so proud of them. 

Other news: Report cards come out next week, the second grade show is tomorrow at 2:45, and I’m still waiting on date confirmation for our horseback riding trips.

Have a great evening!

-Ms Wales

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Weekly Update: 2-19-14

I know it’s a super short week, but I still feel like there’s a lot of things to update about!

First of all, thank you for taking the time to conference with me this week. Conferences are so beneficial for our foundation as a team, and our collaboration is necessary for students to grow as much as possible. Everyone has impressed me so much this year, and I am grateful to be able to partner with such supportive, inventive, knowledgeable families when coming up with supports and activities for your children. Thank you for your continued support and ideas!

As of this week, we have a full team again! Besides me, Kalisha and Valerie will be here every day. Raegan will be here on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and Mary will be here Monday, Wednesday, Fridays. So, we will have four adults daily. I appreciate your (and especially your children’s) patience and flexibility as we have worked to solidify our team this year. I look forward to the new things that we can accomplish with a full and consistent team now!

You may have noticed yesterday we started new sign in papers for the morning. The intent is to make the morning sign in procedure more meaningful to students and to practice some skills that are frequently used in general education activities (e.g. circling choices). Feel free to offer feedback and ideas regarding this new process!

We are again thankful recipients of a grant that will allow our class to go on several hippotherapy classes at Acres of Opportunity Ranch this year. The logistics are just unfolding, but I will keep you posted as we get closer to the trips.

At conferences I was honored and excited as many of you shared some of the things and resources you utilize at home. A goal of mine is to create a strong set of resources and community for the families in the classroom. It seems that everyone has some great resources, and I would love to create sort of a “Room 125 network” where we can share these things. I would love if you could send me info for some of the things you talked about regarding doctors, dentists, speech support, OT, respite, recreation, shopping, hair cuts…. what are some of your favorite things you use at home? What have been the best supports? Any ideas you’re willing to share would be much appreciated! As I wrap my head around this more, I may ask some more specifics. For now, anything you can share to get this started would be awesome and appreciated!

Thank you for all you do to support your children and our classroom every day. It was an honor to talk with you this week!

-Ms Wales

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Out Tomorrow

Just a reminder that I’ll be in out tomorrow. Lots of fun Valentine’s activities going on with the sub and in general education classes, though! The sub has been in this classroom before and three paras will be here, so I have high hopes of a wonderful day:) Enjoy the long weekend!

-Ms Wales

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Good morning!

Next week is conference week. I will be holding conferences Wednesday after school. Please let me know what time works best for you. I’ll reserve them first come, first serve and try to update the site as needed. If Wednesday absolutely won’t work for you, please let me know and we’ll try to work out another time.

Thanks! Looking forward to talking to all of you!

Conference times, Wednesday, February 19:


4:00 OPEN

4:30 OPEN


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Weekly Update: 2-6-14

Good morning!

Thank you for continuing to keep school as priority, bundling up and getting here on time this week during the frigid temperatures! Other than indoor recess and some teacher absences, this has been a fairly typical week.

The updates for this week are on the “Calendar” tab…lots going on in February!

Let me know if you have any questions,

Ms Wales

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