
What's going on in Room 125?

Weekly Update: 11-8-12

on November 8, 2012


This week was focused on social studies as we learned about current events and people. Check out some of the highlights:


To make connections to the election Monday and Tuesday we took class votes on Teambuilding and Science activities. This allowed for practice in making choices and counting. We also participated in the Edison election, where students throughout the whole school cast their vote for president. Obama won at our school too.  Tomorrow we will read News2You about the election. Though we now know the results of the election, this will still be a good opportunity to connect with current events.

Pen Pals

Thank you all for completing our first Pen Pal Assignment! This week during Room 125 Social Studies we looked at some of the letters from Mr. MacFarlands class. We also shared our answers to the Pen Pal Assignment, allowing us to learn more about our friends while practicing answering personal information questions. Tomorrow we will start to write our letters to Ohio using information from the assignment as well as some school questions.

Choo-Choo-Choose to Follow the Rules!

We started a new class project this week, that’s goals are to reward good behavior and teach about working together. It’s the Room 125 Train!  Each day, when a student does an extra-good job following a specific Room 125 rule they earn a train car to add to our train! This allows each specific student to be recognized for good behavior, while providing a visual for the whole class working together. When our train fills our whole track, Room 125 will win a surprise!




Next Week

Make sure to check Thursday folders for all of the fun things happening next week! Also visit the Edison calendar (http://edison.dpsk12.org/calendar-2/).  Build It night seems like something right up our hands-on learners alley! Also a great opportunity to spend some time with other families in the Edison Community. Let me know if you have any questions/interest in any of the upcoming events.

Have a great long weekend!

-Ms. Wales

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